Finandicap was ten years old on March 30!

To celebrate this anniversary and to thank you, we have concocted a small in-house retrospective video … watch it on youtube by clicking on this link:  — Be patient to see the photo montage at the end! —

The entire team of Finandicap and its broker, Peak Investment Services, is hard at work teleworking to answer your questions and take stock of your investments. If you would like us to call you to confirm or review your investment strategy, please let us know.

One of our preferred partners, Mackenzie Investments, also broadcasts webinars for investors. If you want to learn more about how your fund managers act in the current economic context, I invite you to browse the following link:

More than ever, we invite you, if you have not already done so, to create your online access to to follow the progress of your account and find lots of important resources there.