The RDSP allows people with disabilities and their families to save as a mean to ensure a better quality of life in the long term. This savings account is enhanced by federal government grants that can reach $ 90,000 for each eligible person. We know the RDSP law  by heart. That is why our advisors are the best suited people to help you get the most out of this program. Beyond the generous grants, the RDSP, when used to its full potential, becomes a tax shelter, a shelter from cuts in last resort financial assistance and an estate-planning tool.

Who is eligible?

The beneficiary must:

  • Be entitled to the disability tax credit (DTC)
  • Be a Canadian resident
  • Have a SIN
  • Be 49 and under to be eligible for grants.

Who can open the account

  • If the beneficiary is a minor: his parents (one or two)
  • If the beneficiary is of full age: himself, his legal representative, his parents or his siblings.

See the RDSP as a tool

  • To complement an insurance
  • For estate planning
  • To help open a dialogue with siblings or the next generation
  • To finance future needs regarding the well-being of people with disabilities