Budget du Québec 2020: A plethora of measures for people with disabilities and their loved ones

A few days before the announcement of the measures providing for the containment of the population in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Quebec tabled its 2020 budget. This process, generally highly publicized, unfortunately went under the radar but this statement provided the entry into force of several measures to improve the lives of thousands of people with disabilities and their families. Finandicap wants to shed light on ads that are worth knowing and understood by the community.

To increase support for caregivers, the government is investing $ 600.2 million over five years.

The government therefore announces that it will double the refundable tax credit already received by 82,000 people.

In addition, it is announced that it is planned to recognize 30,000 caregivers previously ignored by tax law by a refundable tax credit varying from $ 1,250 to $ 2,500 per year depending on the person’s income helped. This is a victory for the some 21,000 spouses of people under the age of 70 recognized as disabled by Revenu Québec. With this measure, it is also expected to reach 9,000 other caregivers without family ties to the person being helped.


These aids can be paid monthly, in advance, from 2021. This credit can be increased if the caregiver pays for respite services. Keep your bills!

The Quebec budget 2020-21 is a big step in the right direction. In addition to this flagship measure, which finally recognizes thousands of caregivers who are doing more than their share, enhancing existing programs is part of the plan. Let us note, in passing, a reminder of the improvement in the Social Solidarity benefit (already announced by the Liberals), the increase in hours of home support and also, the desire to accept approximately 5,000 families entitled to the benefit for disabled children requiring exceptional care. The latter program, administered by Retraite Québec, has come under criticism for the very high refusal rate and the low number of requests accepted.

Families we support are always invited to contact their counselor to discuss new measures that affect them.